Schools & Junior championships

Welcome to the Schools and Juniors Championships

Making Netball Easy, playable, accesible and fun for both girls and boy. Our Championship games are both internal with students and youths in the same school forming teams that play each other in a tournament setting and external when school teams play each other

stimulating activity

Many youths have lost the motivation to play sports due to the nature and competitiveness of most sports. Netball has the specialisation element which gives every participant a role and the platform to work as a team


All our games are organised together with the physical education department of the school, making it easy for the children and youths to participate. In some cases the games are played during school hours guaranteeing merits for the participants.

The bonus achievement of the schools championships is the fact that we get the opportunity to teach the teachers the fundamental basics of the game which contributes to the sustainability of Netball in the school and the logitivity of the championship.

Our games are customised to the conditions in the school, We try as much as possible to minimise the rules while emphasising on creating interest.




Youths Participated



Be creative
Make your own team
and register in the championship

Attend our Netball lesson

Get to know the basics of the game and have the opportunity to ask questions

form a group of friends

students can form their own team or the teacher can help them form one based on interest

Register for the championship

Tell the teacher/ Netball Sweden officials, use our online link to register your team

book a free netball introduction Lesson

In a move to inspire many to play Netball , we offer free netball lessons to schools as a strt up motivator to help the school get the necessary skills and tools to start playing or teaching netball not only as a sport but as a sport that can help learners to acquire different competences

Participating Teams