Start a club


Netball Sweden has a target of starting 10 clubs by the year 2023. When you start a club, you join our Netball Sweden Managers network. You will then receive all the support to sustain your club. Join our Managers club

A club can be a group of informal friends interested in playing Netball as a social activity. This can then develop into a regular activity that may require some technical competence to run. It’s at this point that the support of Netball Sweden comes in to help with the technical aspect of Netball. At this point the group members should have come to a point where they appreciate and embrace playing and enjoying netball as a sport .

Contact us on for more information on how to start a club.

In order to officially represent Sweden Internationally, we are pursuing Riksidrottsförbund (RF) membership. Integration into the RF and Regional sports structures will be critical in our ability to develop Netball to an elite and International level. The RF requires us to measure up to a certain standard which includes building capacity to have a certain number of members and clubs in Sweden.